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Rubio Monocoat Training Day at our shop 6th March 10am to 3pm. Please contact to book a free place.
Our next General Finishes stock delivery is shipping on the Quebec Express. ETA Southampton 5th March. We should receive about 7 - 10 days after docking.

Terms & Conditions

Adequacy of goods supplied

Our aim is to provide quality products. Goods should only be used for the purpose described and it is important to read and follow instructions and safety data sheets.


Our prices are subject to change without notice until the point of order after which the price will not change.

Our prices are quoted in UK £'s. During payment, you also have the option to pay in Euros.

All prices include UK VAT at 20%. Our VAT No. is: GB375978036.

Our EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) number is GB375978036000

Orders Outside Delivery Area

Note that if you place an order for a destination that we do not deliver to, we reserve the right to deduct the card payment fees or £5 / $5 / €5 (whichever is less) that we incur from any refund. We do not supply to any non-European destinations.


Payment will be charged to your credit or debit card at the point of order.

General Finishes products are distributed in Europe by Bruach Ltd, Company number SC690602. Payments may appear as Bruach Ltd.

Payment on the website can be in UK £'s or Euros.

We use a secure server for your payments operated by SquareUp. This ensures your details are completely secure. If however, you would prefer to talk to someone before making payment please call +44 131 661 5553.

Personal Details

Your personal details will be kept completely secure. They will not be passed to any third party. We will pass your delivery details only onto our delivery agent to allow the fulfilment of your order. Bruach Ltd. (the distributors of General Finishes) is registered under the Data Protection Act.


Following your order, you will be e-mailed an order confirmation number and details.


No refund is available for undelivered goods other than where the fault rests with Bruach Ltd. or its agents.


You can cancel your order up to seven days after making the order or up to seven days after receipt of goods. Should you cancel your order before despatch you will have your money refunded. Where a part order is returned the goods must be in the same condition as when delivered.

If you wish to return after the delivery please call us on +44 131 661 5553 during normal working hours for assistance. Please note you must allow us 72 hrs to come and uplift goods and must be available at the agreed time.

Goods returned for any reason other than being faulty will incur a minimum charge of £10 or 20% of the cost of the goods whichever is higher. This sum will be deducted from the invoice price of the goods before the refund is made to your credit card.

Please note we are advised by WorldPay that it generally takes three to five weeks before refunds will return to your account.

Post Sales Feedback

We take a huge pride in delivering a great service to our customers. Following your order we may e-mail you a small feedback form. This is to help improve our service. We also use this to monitor the performance of our delivery agents. Please give us your feedback.


Liability for whatever reason will be limited to the value of goods purchased. Any disputes will be resolved under Scottish Law.